prep school

英 [ˈprep skuːl] 美 [ˈprep skuːl]

n.  预备学校(英国为11或13岁以下的儿童开办的私立学校); 预备学校,预科学校(美国为准备升入大学者开设的私立学校)



  1. 预备学校(英国为11或13岁以下的儿童开办的私立学校)
    In Britain, a prep school is a private school where children are educated until the age of 11 or 13.
    1. N-VAR 预备学校,预科学校(美国为准备升入大学者而设的私立学校)
      In the United States, a prep school is a private school for students who intend to go to college after they leave.
      1. exclusive prep school in Washington.


    1. EXAMPLE: My younger brother is taking several difficult college prep courses in high school that he hopes it will help him pass his university entrance examinations.
    2. China Prep follows five Chinese students through their final high-pressure year at an elite high school in Sichuan Province.
    3. And these qualities matter more to ultimate success than SAT prep courses in high school or what college your children go to.
    4. Kobayashi's reputation has spread so far that one Japanese prep school has hired him to teach teenagers to think for themselves.
    5. Coming from a high quality college prep high school, most of the general education classes have been very easy but the upper level engineering classes have been very difficult.
    6. Prachanda, the party's leader, has a degree in agricultural science and also taught science in a prep school.
    7. What makes you so sure I went to prep school?
    8. One of my most vivid memories is of coming back West from prep school and later from college at Christmas time.
    9. I sent her to a nice prep school back east.
    10. He had sandy hair, and I think I was especially aware of him because he looked more like a kid from a prep school than a customer in a West Side bank.
    11. He grew up working-class in Manhattan and was always drawn to the prep school mystique.
    12. Sam has bad dreams because soon he will be going to prep school.
    13. Other benefits of going to a prep school include top-notch facilities and extracurricular activities.
    14. One year at a prep school left students with four years of eligibility at a four-year university, as opposed to two years of eligibility after two years at a junior college.
    15. They went to prep school together, apparently.
    16. He left Los Angeles three years ago to go to prep powerhouse Oak Hill Academy, and was one of the top high school recruits.
    17. I had applied to the academy twice before I was finally accepted to the prep school, an education that would put me on my way to a commission from Annapolis.
    18. Pencey Prep is this school that's in Agerstown, Pennsylvania.
    19. Looking just as snazzy as his teacher, Glee's prep school spy plays the part – and dashingly!
    20. He remembers beginning aged 12, as a boy at prep school, when he was given one of those individual garden plots.
    21. We used to do this sort of thing all the time at prep school.
    22. Just two days before she killed herself, Val gave me a gift, a token of congratulations on being accepted to the Naval Academy prep school in Rhode Island.
    23. But in the end, the real value of a prep school education is more than just getting into Harvard.
    24. This list, while arbitrary, reflects the fact that many parents send their kids to prep school specifically so they can get into the most prestigious universities.
    25. I had a headmaster just like him in prep school.
    26. Male teachers often use their 'erotic capital' when dealing with female members of staff, according to the head of a leading prep school.
    27. Time spent on prep time high school students spend much less than junior highschool students.



    1. a private secondary school

        Synonym:    preparatory school